Trevor Clay

Job Description Writer

  • Australia
  • Member since October 7, 2021
  • No Reviews


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I'm a professional JOB DESCRIPTION writer with proper training, knowledge, and years of experience. I've developed and edited 100s of job descriptions and Ads for clients from all over the world. I've had the pleasure to write JDs for startups to renowned companies. My target is to help you find suitable candidates who match your job profile. Each Job Description will be:
  1. Properly Formatted
  2. Completely bias-free
  3. Without Grammatical Errors
  4. Without Spelling Errors
  5. Print-ready document: MS Word/PDF

Content Writer

  • PBT Pvt. Ltd.
  • May 12, 2017 - continue

Im an HR professional with years of experience in the HR field. Ive Graduated in Accounting and did Post-Graduation in Finance. But I always felt passionate about HR-related work. Ive extensive training in Job Description writing/ development.

M.B.A. - Finance

  • University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • September 18, 2016 - May 19, 2019

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