Benias Muteweye

App Developer

  • Australia
  • Member since September 15, 2021
  • No Reviews


(per hour)
  • 00 Ongoing Projects
  • 00 Completed Projects
  • 00 Services in Queue
  • 00 Completed Services
I am a full-stack app developer enthusiast with a deep passion for excellent user experience and functionality. I have around 4+ years of programming and mobile development experience, working with multiple start-ups and organizations to create MVPs for further funding. My goal is to work closely with clients to understand their needs and turn their ideas into a real live app. What I Offering & Why I are So Unique
  • I treat each app as I would with my own
  • I don't stop until it's pixel perfect
  • A combined passion for both programming and UI/UX
What you can expect
  • Free Consultation and Support
  • Quality of Deliverables
  • Fast Response Time
  • Fast delivery
My Workflow
  • Understanding Client's Requirements
  • Research and Gathering Information
  • Designing (or adapting)
  • Developing
  • Testing
  • Fixes and/or further adaption

App Developer

  • September 14, 2017 - December 24, 2020

I provide development services for clients all over the world. I have about 4-5 years of extensive experience within the field, with a passion for programming and design. Creating high functioning applications and services for customers are a high priority.

M.Sc. - Computer Science

  • Rutgers University
  • March 11, 2014 - May 19, 2016

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