william jackson

Logo Design

  • Australia
  • Member since September 12, 2021
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Hi there! I'm william jackson, a graphic designer  in a leading London-based Logo agency. As your logo designer and Brand Specialist, I will focus on creating a timeless and industry-leading logo. I believe in the importance of logos and branding in a company's success, and nothing gives me more pride than to see one of my logos at the top. My Manifesto:
  • Good design is less: Less is more
  • Less is Bold: Bold means confidence
  • Bold is experimental: Experiments involve risks
  • Experimental design is fresh: Fresh faces are always welcome
  • Fresh is creative: Creativity attracts curiosity
  • Creative is smart: Make people think and rethink
  • Smart is communicative: Communicate visually
  • Communicative design is simple: Easy to understand yet difficult to produce
  • Simple is aesthetic: Attractive things work better
  • Aesthetic is good: Good enough is never good enough

Logo & website design

  • pavallion
  • August 7, 2016 - continue

I love designing websites that owners and users love. A website must be beautiful and easy to use. My goal is to design a perfect one that fits your brand and pleases your visitors, to give you increased credibility, increase conversion rates and drive up your sales.


  • Stanford University
  • January 13, 2013 - May 13, 2015

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