• Content writter
  • Australia
  • November 5, 2021

Crypto & Blockchain Project Researcher / Writer

  • Freelancer Type Individual
  • Project Duration 1-5 Days
  • Level Basic Lavel
  • English Level Fluent
  • Languages English


I am looking for someone who LOVES cryptocurrency to write a research report on a new cryptocurrency project/token every week. YES this will be meaningful work that is also recurring. We pay great pay per article, looking for TOP writers.

Part 1 - Find 3-4 cryptocurrency projects relatively unknown that might be interesting to write a report, write a sentence or two about them and why they might be worth taking a in depth look at.

Part 2 - After one of the above cryptocurrency projects is approved . Write a report specific to that project ( approx 2000 words / 5-7 min to read). Include in the report any helpful applicable charts/graphs) & answer the following information:


(a) what the purpose of the cryptocurrency/token is.
(b) what the project attempts to solve
(c) who's using it? how many users/what companies?
(d) why it might be a good project to invest in/pay attention to.

Project ID:4768

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Simon Winskill

Member since September 17, 2021
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